Back in the old days - 1997? - websites were fairly simple "welcome-to-our-website-here's-our-homepage-and-a-vanity-photo-of-our-CEO" brochures.

Now companies are using the web to attract, acquire, service and retain customers. They are providing investor information faster and cheaper. They are recruiting employees and trading data with partners and suppliers in secure environments. All through the browser - an environment everybody understands and nobody has to re-learn.

The old techniques of ticking the "we got a website" box, sticking a page counter up, and refreshing content every few months is over for every company that hopes to remain competitive.

The more information is pushed and pulled through the browser, the more complicated it gets to manage. Companies are now fully realising that understanding visitor behavior does not answer all questions; they also have to understand and have visibility into what they have built that the visitor is reacting to.

We hope that we can be a productive part of the next step in the web.